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Dark Assassin Page 7

  “I may look young but trust me, I’m not. I was born almost a hundred and fifty years ago. Most succubae live extraordinarily long lives, usually about six or seven hundred years. ”

  “So your family must still be around, then. What does your mother think of what you do?” For the life of him, he could not understand what was prompting him to keep the conversation going, but he couldn’t seem to make himself stop talking.

  “The Order is my only family. I haven’t seen my mother since she abandoned me when I was ten.” Samara’s tone was matter-of-fact as she relayed the information, but her posture immediately changed. Eric looked over at her as she removed her feet from the dashboard to hug her knees to her chest, her braided hair forgotten. Eric knew all too well the pain of familial betrayal, so he decided not to press her any further. Some things were too hard to talk about.

  There was silence in the car for several minutes before Samara broke it, her voice soft as she spoke. “It was the best thing she could have done for me.”

  It seemed she did want to talk about it, and Eric had to admit that he was curious. How could her mother abandoning her be a good thing?

  “Why do you say that?”

  “If she hadn’t left me, I would never have met Hadria and I would not have been inducted into the Order. If I’d stayed with her, I would eventually have spent my life alone, going from one man to another, trying to fill the empty space inside me with sex. In other words, I would have ended up living my mother’s life in a world where I didn’t really fit in.”

  “How can you not fit in with your own kind?” Eric asked, puzzled. With the problems he’d had with his pack, fitting in certainly hadn’t been one of them. He supposed that even with all he had been through, he still clung to the werewolf mentality that you stuck with your own kind, where you knew you belonged. Although he had left his pack and turned his back on his family, he knew should he return there would be a place for him.

  “I’m not a full-blooded demon. Most succubae have offspring with other demons, so their children can inherit their father’s particular strength. It is possible for one to bear offspring with a human father, but most don’t as the children born from such a union are usually weaker. I still have the powers of a succubus, and need to draw energy from emotions to charge them, but I have human traits that make me different. I needed things from my mother that she couldn’t give me because of her nature. Succubae aren’t the most maternal of creatures, they only have children because they are driven to perpetuate the species. They only keep their children with them for about ten years. When my mother left me, she didn’t do it out of any cruel intentions, she was just doing what her kind does.”

  “You mean all succubae abandon their children when they are so young?” Eric asked in disbelief, as this was a completely foreign concept to him. Wolves protected their cubs until they were fully grown, until they could become integral members of the pack. Children who made it past infancy were somewhat rare among his kind, so the ones who did were fiercely protected. His own mother had given birth to eleven children, but only he, Nick and Rowan had survived into adulthood.

  “A succubus who is a full-blooded demon reaches her full maturity around the age of ten. By then they have all they need to take care of themselves. So my mother was only doing what came naturally to her. She could not have considered that I would be so ill-equipped to take care of myself. Physically I looked much like I do now, but mentally and emotionally I was like a ten-year-old human child. Had Hadria not found me, I would most likely not have survived.”

  “And how did Hadria find you?” Eric asked, surprised to find himself wrapped up in her story. He was beginning to realize during this trip with her just how much he had isolated himself for the past six years, caring about no one and nothing but himself. Now there was someone who actually interested him, and more than just in a sexual way.

  “It was about six months after my mother left me, and I was living in an alley next to a brothel. The lust pouring out of that place was enough to sustain my powers, and I managed to eat enough to keep myself alive, but it was a pretty miserable existence. Hadria was on a mission in the area, and she was checking out the alley I live in and found me. She immediately knew I wasn’t your garden variety succubus, and she took me in. She cared for me and raised me with a compassion and affection that I was sorely lacking from my experience with my own mother. She introduced me to other members of the Order and they became the family that I’d never known. I finally found a place where I fit in. It was only natural that I would want to join the Order once I fully matured.”

  Eric noticed a funny thing once she finished her story. She was now totally relaxed, her feet back on the dashboard and a look of peace upon her face. For a brief moment he considered discussing his own past with her, wondering if it would bring him the same feeling of peace. He quickly dismissed the idea. He couldn’t bear the thought of her knowing of his humiliation at the hands of his brother. He didn’t want her to know that he always suspected there was something lacking in him, that he couldn’t keep his woman satisfied enough, that she had to turn to another man to get something he couldn’t give her. He’d kept the bitterness inside him for so long, he didn’t want the poison to spill out and taint her perception of him. Confiding in someone wasn’t something he did and he wasn’t about to start now.

  DUSK WAS SETTLING around them when they finally decided to stop for the night. Samara offered a few times to take over driving, but Eric politely refused. She didn’t think it was because he didn’t trust her driving, and had a feeling it was because he had control issues and preferred to handle that aspect of the trip himself.

  He pulled into the parking lot of yet another nondescript motel that dotted the stretch of highway they were on. Undoing his seatbelt, he turned to look at her as he spoke.

  “Stay in the car while I check things out around here and get us a couple of rooms.”

  She stayed where she was and watched him scout out the perimeter of the motel before going into the office. It would have been pointless to tell him that he didn’t have to do it, that she could take care of herself. This was his way of making sure where they had chosen to sleep was safe and secure and it was something he needed to do. It was his most endearing trait, his need to make sure she was safe.

  He returned a short while later with two keys in his hand. It looked like there would be no room sharing tonight, Samara thought, and disappointment settled in the pit of her stomach. She completely understood why he didn’t want a repeat of this morning, since he was fighting the attraction he so clearly felt of her. Still, it was too bad that there was more than one room available at this motel. She liked sleeping in the bed with him, and would like to have done so again.

  Getting out of the vehicle, she took her bag and reached for her room key, which he placed in her hand. Their rooms were side by side, so they walked together to their respective doors.

  “We haven’t eaten yet, do you want to go and get something? We could find a nice place to actually sit down and eat a meal. No fast food for a change.”

  Samara looked at him, wondering for a moment if he was feeling okay. She would have thought he would want to dive into his room, effectively putting some distance between them, but she was not going to pass up the opportunity to spend more time with him.

  “I’d like that,” she said as she put her bag inside her room. She waited for him to do the same, and they walked back to the truck. It felt strange sitting beside him, like they were going on a date or something. Of course it was a silly way of thinking. They’d eaten every meal together for the past two days, but somehow this one had a different feel to it.

  The town they were in didn’t have much to offer in the way of fine dining, but they did manage to find a roadhouse that looked clean and not too rowdy. Samara told herself to relax and enjoy the evening.

  There was a long bar on one side of the room, with booths and tables set up in one half of the remaining spac
e. The other half had some tables around the perimeter, a DJ booth and a dance floor.

  Once they were seated, they ordered a couple of beers while they decided what to have for dinner. The evening took on a relaxed tone, and she and Eric ended up chatting through their meal. Nothing earth-shattering was revealed by either of them, as if by tacit agreement they decided to leave the heavy conversation for another time. They simply enjoyed this time with each other and didn’t talk about where they were going and what they needed to do when they got there.

  When they finished their meal and were lingering over their coffee, Samara had to admit she like the more relaxed side of Eric, and thought it was a shame he didn’t let it out more often. The coldness left his eyes, and his face showed none of its usual tension. She was having such a good time with him that she didn’t want to leave and go back to her motel room by herself. A song came on, one she had always loved, and she closed her eyes, swaying slowly in her seat.

  “Do you want to dance?”

  She opened her eyes in surprise and looked at Eric. He was standing beside her, his hand held out in invitation. She took it and he led her to the dance floor.

  His arms enfolded her and she pressed her body close to him, resting her head against his shoulder as they swayed together to the music. His firm, muscular body moved against hers, and she felt her desire for him stir inside. Her eyes drifted closed as she enjoyed the way it felt to dance with him like this. She could smell the subtle scent of his aftershave, along with that of his skin. The world seemed to fade from her presence, leaving only him. It was like she’d known the feel of his arms forever, and yet all too soon the spell was broken when the song ended and other came on. The beat was faster and they drew apart. Samara realized reality had intruded once again by the closed look upon Eric’s face, and she felt disappointment settle around her like a leaden mantle.

  “We should be going,” he said as he walked back to their table, with Samara following behind him. He paid their bill and led her from the restaurant. It didn’t take long to arrive back at their motel and they walked back to their rooms. Samara’s steps felt heavy as she drew up to her door. She didn’t want to spend the night alone in her room, but she couldn’t say as much to him, sensing he needed time to himself. She turned to him with a smile that made her cheeks ache.

  “Good night Eric, and thanks for dinner. I enjoyed it.”

  Her smile faded when he didn’t say anything, just looked at her. His hand came up to caress her cheek, and he leaned forward to press his lips gently to hers. The kiss lasted only a moment. Samara’s gaze drifted up to look into the stormy depths of his eyes.

  “Good night, Samara,” he said, his voice rough before he turned away, unlocked his door and went into his room. His door closed quietly behind him.


  That’s it? Samara stared at his closed door. Their night was over? One kiss, and nothing else?

  She couldn’t face a solitary night in her room. Restless energy stirred inside her, and her longing for Eric caused her power to surge. Sleep would not come easy to her tonight, not with this raw energy bouncing around in her body, trying to rid her of the excess lust surging through her. A walk would do her good, helping her ease her frustration and perhaps tiring her enough so she could rest.

  She tucked the key to her room in her pocket and turned away, heading down the street. The events of the day ran through her head as she walked. From the encounter this morning to dinner tonight it was no wonder she had energy to burn. For a moment, standing outside the motel door with him, she had wished she could reach out and make him do what she wanted. The thought had gone as quickly as it came. She was glad she could not sway him with her powers. As least she knew the attraction was mutual and not the result of mind control on her part. It never mattered to her before if any of her partners wanted her for herself or if it was because of the lure of her nature and her powers. Sex was just sex to her, a way to recharge when she was really low. With Eric it was different, not just a physical act. She felt an emotional connection to him. She wanted to be as close to him as she could get, but it remained to be seen if she would be able to do anything about it. He certainly resisted more than anybody ever had before.

  This morning she’d been positive that he wouldn’t be able to stick to the no sex rule. Now she wasn’t so sure. Perhaps she’d underestimated Eric’s willpower. She hoped he couldn’t last too much longer. The dance tonight had only cemented her attraction to him and she wanted a repeat of this morning. Without clothing, their naked bodies pressed together, with Eric buried deep inside her.

  The sound of claws scraping against pavement jolted her out of her thoughts, as a prickling feeling shot up the back of her neck. She had the distinct impression that something or someone was watching her. Turning quickly to look behind, she frowned when she saw the empty street behind her, with only a small scrap of paper stirring in the wind. Adrenaline pumped through her veins as her pulse kicked up its pace. There was something behind her, even if she couldn’t see it. The scent of wolf carried itself on the wind and she knew it was not Eric. She moved further along the street, her skin itching as she sensed her stalker coming closer to her. His scent grew stronger and she could sense his emotions. His rage and ruthless satisfaction blasted through her, almost bringing her to her knees with its dark force, causing her to stumble.

  Her mind raced as she tried to devise a strategy to deal with him. If he was in human form, it would be no problem for her to overtake him. All she had to do was get close enough to touch him, and his mind would be hers to control and she could immobilize him. If he had taken wolf form, she was in trouble since the animal side of him would be more dominant in that form, and he would therefore be immune to her touch. All her opponents thus far had been in human form, but she steeled herself to do it. There was no way he was going to take her down without a fight. The bastard would have to work for it if he was going to kill her.

  The street ended in an alley. Dark, deserted and eerily quiet. The only sound she could hear was the thudding of her heart and her own footfalls. Deciding to confront her stalker, she turned, her mouth going dry when she saw he was indeed in wolf form. He approached her with in a stiff-legged walk, his hackles raised. His trembling lips curled back, baring his teeth as a growl rumbled deep in his chest. She swallowed down her panic, not wanting to give him the advantage of feeding off the fear he would surely be able to smell. Taking a deep calming breath, she found her center and divorced herself from her emotions. Taking a step back, confidence surging through her as she felt the hum of her powers under her skin, her foot brushed against something, causing a clinking sound. A bottle. Bending quickly, she scooped it up. She smashed it against the brick wall beside her, and razor-sharp shards jutted out from the bottle’s neck. She tossed her makeshift weapon back and forth between her hands as she stared at him.

  The wolf’s muscles quivered and bunched underneath his fur, his skin appearing to undulate as he prepared to attack. His target would be her jugular, and she steeled her spine in order to stand her ground.

  He leapt at her, his jaws wide open as he let out a deep-throated roar. His actions appeared to be happening in slow motion, and she threw her left arm across her throat to protect herself.

  His teeth sank into her flesh. A scream ripped out of her as and the momentum from his attack knocked them both to the ground. The impact of the fall knocked the bottle from Samara’s hand.

  He had her pinned to the ground, jerking his head back with his teeth clamped around her arm, trying to rip her arm away from her throat. Stiffening her muscles, trying desperately to protect her throat as pain shot through her body, Samara groped beside her for her makeshift weapon. Her fingers flexed, the tips brushing against the neck of the bottle. Shifting a fraction, her hand closed around it. She brought her right arm up between them and drove the broken bottle into his soft underbelly.

  The wolf howled in pain, and her arm fell out of the grip of his jaw
s. She pulled the bottle out and drove it back in further as blood gushed hotly over her hand. The air was sharp with the metallic tang of his blood mingled with hers. Pulling the bottle out, she threw it aside, then lifted her legs up so her feet rested against his belly. She used all her strength to shove him to the side.

  She was on her feet, running with her injured arm cradled against her chest. At the mouth of the alley she turned back to check behind her, and saw the wolf struggling to his feet. She turned away the second time he failed to pick himself off the pavement.

  Get back to Eric, get back to the room. The words pounded themselves in her head, strong and insistent. Her feet pounded on the pavement as she ran down the street. The rhythm of her steps grew increasingly unsteady, and she tried to draw strength from her powers, but it was useless. The fight and loss of blood had weakened her, and she had depleted whatever adrenaline had been holding her up by this point. The motel loomed in the distance. Fiery pain burned through the tattered flesh of her arm, and she could feel her blood running through her fingers, despite the pressure she held it with. Her flesh felt slick and ragged beneath her palm, and the street lights around her shimmered and sparkled. Not yet, she screamed in her head, as she fought to remain upright.

  She could see Eric’s door through the haze of her vision, about a hundred yards away. In one final burst of strength she dragged herself across the parking lot. She tried to call upon her powers to get her into his door, but there was nothing left inside to draw from. The motel blurred in front of her. Reaching out to open his door, her hand grasped nothing but air as the world tilted beneath her. She sank to her knees, before slumping to the ground outside Eric’s door.

  ERIC SPENT the evening in his room finding absolutely nothing to watch on TV. He tried to read the newspaper sitting beside the bed, but it didn’t hold his interest. Excruciating boredom reduced him to flipping quarters into a glass from across the room. He was truly pathetic, he told himself, but it still was not enough to make him do what he really wanted. The compulsion to go to Samara’s room almost overwhelmed him, but he stayed where he was. His dick wasn’t in charge and that was all there was to it. Trying to block out the images of her body pressed against him as it had been this morning, he growled and flung his remaining quarter. The force of its trajectory knocked the glass off the dresser and it hit the floor with a dull thunk.