Dark Assassin Read online

Page 12

The ride to the highway passed in comfortable silence. Once they got back to the blacktop, Eric needed to focus on the road, as this part of the highway was full of steep hills and winding curves and turns.

  He came to the top of a rather steep hill with several twists in it, and he pressed down on the brake lightly to slow their descent. His foot went all the way to the floor, and the truck remained traveling at the same speed. Alarm raced through him when he realized what that meant.

  “Eric, I think you should slow down. The truck is going a little too fast,” Samara said, reaching for the strap hanging above the door.

  “I’m afraid I can’t slow down. I don’t want you to panic, but it appears we don’t have any breaks.”

  “What are we going to do?” Samara asked, and Eric was pleased to hear her keep the fear out of her voice. It was good that she was doing her best to stay calm, since hysteria at this point wouldn’t help the situation.

  “Hopefully by downshifting, the transmission will drag down the truck enough to slow us,” Eric said as he engaged the clutch and downshifted to a lower gear. The truck slowed as he navigated the first curve of the hill. The vehicle managed to stay on the road, but it felt to Eric like they had flown around the turn. Even with downshifting they were gaining momentum and they hadn’t gotten through the worst of the curves in the road yet.

  Eric shifted to a higher gear to keep up with their speed. They approached the next curve and it was on a hill. He downshifted from fourth to second, and could hear the whine of the transmission as it tried to drag down the speed of the heavy truck. The SUV went around the turn, still going too fast, and for a moment Eric felt himself lose control. The truck veered too close to the edge of the road, the scraping of the door frame of Samara’s side rubbing against the guard rails setting Eric’s teeth on edge. He struggled with the heavy piece of machinery, managing to get them back on the highway. He was grateful there were no other cars around, since it would make it a million times harder for him to keep the truck on the road and avoid other cars as well.

  The truck finally made it down the hill, and Eric managed to get it to coast to a stop; he pulled off to the side of the road. He put on the emergency brake, and sat staring straight ahead. His knuckles ached and he tried to get his hands to relax their grip on the steering wheel.

  “Well that was interesting,” Samara said as she undid her seatbelt and got out of the SUV. Eric watched her lean against the truck to keep from falling over, and he imagined her legs were as rubbery as his. He reached into the glove box, pawing through the junk in there until he came up with Rowan’s auto club information. He made the call before getting out of the truck.

  “A tow truck will be here shortly. Thankfully Rowan keeps a subscription to CAA. You look like you’re about to fall down,” Eric said as he came to where Samara was standing against the truck.

  “I feel like it,” she said, before letting out a yelp of surprise when he lifted her onto the hood of the truck so she could sit. He put his arms around her waist and felt her body melt into his. He nuzzled the top of her head with his cheek as her arms squeezed tight around him. After holding her for a few minutes he stepped back, his arms still held loosely around her waist.

  “Feel better?” he asked as he looked into her eyes.

  “Much better,” she said, smiling before drawing his head down to kiss him. Eric allowed himself to drown in her embrace for a few moments before he pulled back to come up for air.

  “It’s too bad there’s no privacy out here. I’d show you what happens to little girls who tangle with the big bad wolf,” Eric said as he wiggled his eyebrows at her. Warmth expanded in his chest when he made her laugh.

  “Once we get back to civilization I’m going to hold you to that.”

  “It would be my pleasure. Hopefully it won’t take long for the tow truck to get here.”

  Eric stood there with her, his arms never leaving her waist, and she looked at him with a question in her eyes. The coldness he had carried with him for the past six years slowly melted as he stood there with her at the side of the road.

  “Why did you leave your pack?” she asked as she reached up to caress his cheek. He captured her hand and held it against his skin. He could feel the old tension creep into his muscles, and he made a concerted effort to relax.

  “I left because of a woman,” he said, unable to keep the bitterness that lingered inside him out of his voice. He ground his back teeth as he sought to release what had been bottled up inside him for six long years.

  “Talk to me, Eric,” Samara said as she looked into his eyes. He traced a finger down her cheek, wanting her to know everything about him. He didn’t want to keep anything back from her; there should be no secrets between them. With that in mind, he spoke.

  “Six years ago I found a woman who I thought was my moon mate,” he said. “I brought her back to meet my pack. We stayed there for a while, to let her get used to the life she was in for. She was a human and hadn’t had much exposure to wolves. I told her I loved her and the next night I discovered her in bed with Rowan.

  “My pack knew about the affair between Rowan and Chelsea. They encouraged it, because they could see what I could not: She was not my moon mate, and she didn’t love me. If she had she would not have fallen so easily into my brother’s arms. That’s what made it so much worse. If it had been anyone else but him, I would not have been so enraged. I would have challenged him, and either he would have killed me or I him. I couldn’t do it because he was my brother, my twin. I did get in a fight with him, but my other brother Nick broke it up before we could inflict too much physical damage on each other. I think if Nick had not broken it up, and let us fight it out, perhaps I could have burned out some of the rage I carried inside. I was angry at Rowan, at Chelsea, at my pack. I was humiliated that everyone in the pack knew what was going on, and I turned my back on them. I left the pack and haven’t returned.”

  “What happened to her?” Samara asked quietly, running her hand down his arm. Her touch was like a soothing balm against his skin, taking with it the festering bitterness he’d harbored for so long. He felt freer than he had for a long time, like a burden had been lifted from him. He knew he had her to thank for it. He had to tell her the rest, to release it into the air where it wouldn’t haunt him anymore.

  “She died giving birth to Rowan’s baby. After I left, he stuck with her. I’d heard from Nick that she died, and her baby, a little girl, was stillborn after a long labor. I couldn’t make myself go, not matter how much pain I knew Rowan was in. I couldn’t bring myself to forget what he’d done. I think it’s partly my fault that he got tangled up with Horn. If I’d come home, maybe I could have stopped him from getting that injection,” he said, his head bowed, surprised when the words came out of his mouth. He hadn’t realized until now that not only was he carrying around a lot of anger inside, but that guilt was in there alongside it. If he could have made peace with his brother, perhaps he could have saved him before it was too late. He felt Samara grasp his face between her hands, forcing his head up.

  “Eric, look at me. It’s not your fault that Rowan took part in Horn’s experiment. You don’t know what he was thinking or what he was feeling at the time. He was a grown man, fully capable of making his own decisions. You have to let go of the guilt before it rots you from the inside out.” Samara put her arms around him and held him close.

  He tensed for a few moments, then relaxed in her embrace. He allowed her to hold him, leaning on her as he had never leaned on anyone else before.

  Eric stiffened when he heard the rumble of a truck’s engine coming their way. He lifted her off the hood, and stood beside her, his arm hooked around her waist.

  The tow truck driver greeted them in a friendly manner, his eyes lingering on Samara for a moment too long for Eric’s liking. His arm tightened possessively around her, making sure the driver knew that she was his woman. The other man got the message and he gave Eric a subtle nod before going to work hooki
ng up the SUV to the tow truck. Eric watched him closely, until he assured himself that the driver was no threat to Samara, and then he allowed himself to relax against her.

  It took about forty minutes to arrive at a small town called Bonneville. The place boasted one traffic light, a handful of quaint stores along the main drag, and thankfully a car repair shop. The tow truck took them to the garage, and they got out of the vehicle.

  “Why don’t you find us a place to stay, and I’ll catch up with you once I find out what’s happening with the truck,” Eric said as he reached out to clasp her hand loosely. He gave her a light squeeze, which she returned.

  “Why don’t we meet at the restaurant we passed up the street?”

  “Sure,” Eric said as he pulled her close for a quick kiss. “Be careful. There’s wolves out there.”

  SAMARA WALKED AROUND TOWN, looking for a place to stay. She noticed a bed-and-breakfast that had its vacancy sign out, and she approached to knock on the door.

  A plump, older woman who had an aura of kindness and laughter around her answered the door. She ushered Samara into the house. There was one remaining vacant room and Samara fell in love with it as soon as she saw it.

  The bedroom contained an antique four-post bed, which was topped with a handmade quilt. Opposite the bed was a fireplace, in front of which Samara could imagine making love with Eric. What sold her on the room was her peek into the en-suite bathroom. It was actually two rooms; one contained a standalone glassed-in shower, a vanity and sink, but what drew Samara’s attention was the two-person Jacuzzi tub. There was a small doorway off to the side of the room, which contained a toilet and pedestal sink. She could hardly wait to get Eric into the room, and into the tub.

  She registered and paid a deposit on the room, then walked out the house and down the sidewalk. She was so lost in thought that she walked into someone; it felt like running into a brick wall. For a moment she thought it was Eric, but when she stepped back to look at him, she gasped.

  “What are you doing here?” she said. Blinking her eyes, she couldn’t believe she was looking at Alex. There were strict rules within the Order that applied to those on a mission. There was to be no physical contact with members, unless backup was needed. “Did Hadria send you out here to spy on me? When is she going to realize I can handle myself?”

  “You know Hadria, she always worries about you,” Alex answered. He walked down the street with her, and Samara glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. He was almost as big as Eric, and considering all the things that had happened to them thus far on the mission she was glad to have someone watching their backs. She had no intention of telling Cadric about Alex’s visit, because she knew Hadria well enough to know that she couldn’t help herself, and she didn’t want her to be punished for it.

  “I’m supposed to meet Eric at a restaurant not far from here. Come with me and you can meet him,” she said as she made her way down the street. She noticed Alex’s hesitation, and stopped to look at him, her eyebrow raised in question.

  “Nothing,” he said as he shook his head briefly. They walked down the street together and went to the restaurant to wait for Eric.

  ERIC COULDN’T BELIEVE it was going to take two days for the SUV to be fixed. The break-lines had been severed and the whole of it needed to be replaced. Unfortunately, in a small town like this there was only one mechanic, and he told Eric apologetically that there were a few jobs he had to do before he could get to the truck.

  Eric walked down the street, intent on getting to where he and Samara agreed to meet. He didn’t want to leave her on her own for too long. Knowing she could take care of herself didn’t put him at ease, and he wanted her in his sights so he could protect her.

  He walked into the restaurant where they agreed to meet and spotted her immediately. The smile on his face died a quick death when he saw she was not alone. She was laughing at something her companion said, and Eric approached them, jealousy and anger burning in his belly. He caught the scent of her companion and realized that not only was he a wolf, he was also the one who’d watched Eric kill Samara’s attacker. His scent had been all around the entrance of their motel room.

  Eric didn’t know what he wanted here, but he knew he had to get her away from him.

  “Samara, can you come here a minute?” Eric said, trying to keep his anger out of his voice. He didn’t want to alarm Samara or tip off her companion that he knew who he was.”

  Samara looked up at him and smiled, but when she saw his expression a look of concern settled on her features. When she came to stand beside him, he led her away from the table.

  “We have to get out of here,” he said, his tone low as he tried to take her to the door of the restaurant.

  “Why? What happened?” she asked, and Eric saw the concern on her face give way to hardened determination.

  “The wolf at your table is the one who has been stalking us. I caught his scent outside the motel the morning after you were attacked. We have to get out of here. I’d try to take him out, but there are too many people in this town to witness it and it’s daylight.”

  A look of relief came over Samara’s face and Eric pulled back from her, his eyebrows drawing together.

  “I know him, Eric. He’s Hadria’s lover and he works for the Order. He’s safe. I suspect Hadria sent him here to check up on me. She still treats me like I’m helpless sometimes, and she hasn’t heard from me for a while so I suspect she’s worried.”

  “He was watching when I killed the wolf who hurt you. I don’t like this, Samara. If he was watching me when I killed the wolf, he could have been watching when the wolf attacked you. Why didn’t he help you?”

  “I don’t think he was watching, because Alex would never let anything happen to me.” Samara reached out and smoothed a hand down his cheek. “I’m sure when he was watching you he knew you had everything under control. I’m sure he didn’t want us to know he was looking out for us. He’s breaking a major Order rule by doing so.”

  Samara took his hand. Reluctantly Eric followed her back to the table where she performed a brief introduction. Eric sized up the other wolf before he held out his hand.

  They had lunch together, and Samara explained to Alex about their brakes failing. Eric remained silent through most of the meal. He didn’t like the other wolf, although he couldn’t quite put his finger on why. It could have been his casual familiarity with Samara that raised Eric’s hackles, or it could be the knowledge that he’d watched them for days and hadn’t revealed himself.

  Eric didn’t trust him. Not by a long shot.


  Samara walked over to the garage with Eric to collect their luggage. He brooded as he walked beside her. It was obvious he didn’t trust Alex. Not that he’d said anything at lunch, he just stared at Alex with a cool look in his eyes.

  “You’ll like the room I got for us,” she said, trying to lighten the mood. He didn’t reply. He continued walking with long-legged strides, a dark scowl etched on his features. She tried to talk to him, to assure him that she wasn’t worried about Alex.

  “Eric, I know you don’t believe this, but Alex would never hurt us. He is part of the Order, and he would never betray another member. Not only have we sworn to protect humans, we’ve sworn to protect each other.”

  “I don’t like his appearance here. He’s been watching us for days and he’s done nothing to help us. You can stop trying to convince me, I don’t trust him and I’m not going to.”

  Samara walked beside him, a little tired of his distrustful nature. His intensity was sexy, but it also made him a pain in the ass at times.

  They collected their luggage and Samara led the way back to the bed-and-breakfast. She walked in the front door, leading him to their room after introducing him to their landlady.

  She glanced over at Eric after they entered the room and he looked impressed.

  “Just wait till you see the bathroom,” she said as she took his hand and led him to th
e room in question. She watched his face when he looked at the tub, and a sexy grin bloomed on his face. The tub appeared to have inspired the same thoughts in him as it had in her.

  “I need to go out for a while,” he said, turning to leave the room. “Stay here, I won’t be long.”

  Puzzled by his sudden urge to leave, Samara went back into the bedroom to unpack their things while she waited for him. By the look on his face, he had something wicked cooked up in his sexy wolf brain.

  ERIC SCANNED his surroundings for any sign of Alex. He had plans for Samara when he got back to her, and he needed to assure himself that the other wolf wouldn’t be a problem.

  He caught Alex’s scent, and felt a hand come down on his shoulder. Tensing, he turned to the other wolf.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked, unable to keep the snarl out of his voice.

  “I think I found the wolf who tampered with your brakes, but I need you to scent him to know for sure.”

  “That’s not what I meant and you know it.”

  Eric watched Alex roll his eyes with a sigh, and his lips tightened. “I’m here because my woman asked me to be. I haven’t made my presence known before now because I’m bending Order rules and I don’t want Hadria to catch hell. Now, do you want to verify that the wolf who tampered with your brakes is here, or not?”

  With reluctance, Eric followed Alex down the street to a run-down rooming house. A new Buick Lasabre was parked out front, looking out of place next to the ramshackle building. As soon as Eric was beside the vehicle, he could smell the same wolf scent that had been all over the SUV this morning.

  “That’s him. What are we going to do about it?” Eric asked as he looked over at Alex, still not trusting him despite the appearance that he was helping them.

  “Why don’t you let me take care of it? I’ll keep an eye on him, and keep him from trying anything else. You go back to Samara, and guard her. How long is it going to take to get your truck fixed?”